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Upcoming Events

September 17-19, 2024
The Quilt Member Meeting (TBD)
February 4-6, 2025
The Quilt Winter Member Meeting (Tempe, AZ)

2009 Fall Member Meeting – Agenda

Tuesday, September 15th – The Quilt Fall Board of Directors Meeting




3:00 –  5:00 The Quilt Board of Directors Meeting

  •     UMKC Telepresence Room
Jen Leasure
6:00 Welcome Reception

  • The Raphael Hotel Lobby and Patio

Wednesday, September 16th –  The Quilt Fall 2009 Member Meeting –  Day 1




8:00 –  8:15 Welcome Jen Leasure
8:15 – 9:15 Business Model Updates

  • PennRen Overview
  • The Times They Are a Changin’: OARnet Service Model
  • Using Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) to create Multi-Carrier Campus Area Wireless (Cell) Networks
Peter Heverin and Michael LambertPaul SchopisGeorge Loftus
9:15 – 10:15 Best Practices for Upgrading Optical Networks Ron Milford – NLR Engineer
10:15 – 10:30 BREAK
10:30 – 10:45 Introduction to The Quilt Planning Session Robert LeaverJen Leasure
10:45 – 11:05 Why Plan?

  •  Strategic Thinking and an Operational Focus
Robert Leaver
11:05 – 11:45 Quilt Accomplishments Overview & Lessons Learned:

  • Where has The Quilt Collaborated? Influenced? Informed?
Jen LeasureRobert Leaver
11:45 –  12:15 Why Plan?

  • Review MCNC’s Strategic Planning Process, Results, Implementation , and Reporting
Robert LeaverMark JohnsonWendy Kuhn
12:15 – 1:15 LUNCH
1:15 – 1:45 Core Business of The Quilt: What Values are Mission Critical? Jen LeasureRobert Leaver
1:45 – 3:15 Environmental Scan:

  • Identify Immediate and Emergent External Conditions
  • Identify the Impact of the Condition on the Work of The Quilt and Its Members – Adverse or Affirming
  • What Conditions Must We Continually Monitor for Further Impact?
Robert Leaver
3:15 – 3:30 BREAK
3:30 – 4:45 Organizing Priorities into 3 Time-Based Buckets

  • Now – Year 1, Next – Year 1 and 2, Father Out  Year 3+
Robert LeaverJen Leasure
4:45 – 5:15 WRAP-UP Jen Leasure
7:00 The Quilt Member Meeting Dinner

  • The Grande St. Cafe

Thursday, September 17th –  The Quilt Fall 2009 Member Meeting –  Day 2




8:00 –  8:45 Finalize Priorities in the 3 Time– Based Buckets Robert LeaverJen Leasure
8:45 – 9:30 Organizing for ActionPreview Confluence Tool Jen LeasureWendy Kuhn
9:30 – 10:00 Evaluation of the Planning Process Robert Leaver
10:00 –  10:15 BREAK
10:15 –  11:00 ESnet Presentation on 100G Prototype Network and Testbed Steve Cotter
11:00 –  11:15 Walk to Telepresence Room
11:15 – 11:45 Telepresence Demo Bill MitchellNatasha Angell
11:45 – 12:00 Walk Back to Meeting Room
12:00 – 1:00 LUNCH
1:00 – 2:00 CIS Strategy Review CIS Strategy Review Team
2:00 End of Meeting

Attendee List