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September 15-18, 2025
Quilt Fall Member Meeting
(Dearborn, MI)

2014 Quilt Fall Member Meeting – Agenda

The Quilt 2014 Fall Member Meeting
September 9-12, 2014
Monona Terrace – Madison, WI

The Quilt 2014 Fall Member Meeting Agenda (PDF)

 Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Regional Network Outreach and Coordination Efforts to Support Campus Research Location: The Monona Terrace
Meeting Room:  Hall of Fame

Regional networks are well positioned to play a key role in support of academic research efforts among their university and college member institutions.  There are significant opportunities to learn from Quilt members with active programs and initiatives to facilitate research collaboration among their university communities and to explore additional opportunities to promote these types of initiatives across our regional network community.  This half-day discussion is focused on regional networks and their role in supporting research efforts among member institutions.

Time Topic Presenter(s)
7:00am-8:00am Breakfast at Meeting Room
8:00-8:30am Welcome, Introduction, Goals Jen Leasure, The Quilt
Claude Garelik, GPN
Wendy Huntoon, KINBER
8:30-9:45 Framing the Discussion – Explore appropriate areas of focus for regional networks in support of member institution research efforts Lead: Wendy Huntoon,
  • What are hearing from members in terms of needs to be positioned to support campus research?  How does this differ by institution type?  Is the emphasis on infrastructure, applications or other resources?
Lead: Wendy Huntoon,
  • What are regional networks doing today? How is it working?
    • Overview of current regional support mechanisms including staff, tools, mail lists, etc…regionals employ for member institutions   – OARnet, MCNC, OneNet,   I-Light and others
    • Roundtable Discussion
      • What types of technical support do you provide research efforts? such as colocation, VLANS, servers, storage, SDN/SDX access, tech transfer
      • How do you communicate major research investments and updates to your member institutions?
      • Identify best practices among current efforts
Lead: Greg Monaco,
Great Plains Network
9:45-10:00am Break
10:00-10:30am Regionals as Matchmakers – Leveraging the unique position of regionals networks, what role, if any, is there to facilitate collaboration both within and across regional communities? Leads: Wendy Huntoon
and Greg Monaco
10:30-11:15am Where to Start to Support Member Institution Research Efforts?

  • Choosing the right collaborators
  • Resources at the ready
    • What can regionals have readily available to help member institutions write grants?
    • What resources do you use or point members your members to for information?
    • Catalog successful campus CI plans?
  • Learning about different research interests among member institutions – how do you help start or participate in conversations at the campuses?
Lead: Marla Meehl,
11:15-11:45am Next Steps

  • Are there gaps in current programs across our country that need addressing?  Who are the right resources to help do that?
  • Are there best practices that could be more effective/efficient if scaled across regionals? 
Lead: Jen Leasure,
The Quilt
11:45am Wrap-Up

The Quilt 2014 Fall Member Meeting
Individual Group Meetings
Location: The Monona Terrace 

Time Topic Location Presenter(s)
8:00-5:00pm Individual Working Group Meetings

Monona Terrace

Regional Networks Support for Research

Regional networks are well positioned to play a key role in support of academic research efforts among their university and college member institutions.  This session provides an opportunity to learn from Quilt members with active programs and initiatives to facilitate research collaboration among their university communities and to explore additional opportunities to promote these types of initiatives across our regional network communities.

Hall of Fame Room  Chairs:
Wendy Huntoon,
and Claude Garelik,
Great Plains Network
9:00-2:30pm Financial Focus Group  Meeting
Room N
 Chair: Kerry Mobley, LEARN
 2:30-5:00pm Communications and Outreach Group  Meeting
Room R
 Chairs: April Goode,
and Susan Mantey,
1:00-2:30pm Quilt Board Meeting
Quarterly Board Meeting of The Quilt Board of Directors
Chairman: Don Welch
Quilt Board of Directors
2:30-3:00pm Break


3:00-5:30pm  CEO Roundtable Workshop – please contact jen@thequilt.net if you need additional detail or plan to attend  Meeting
Jim Baller
and Casey Lide,
 6:00-7:00pm Social Hour – Opportunity to gather, network and make plans for dinner

The Great Dane Pub 

Wednesday, September 10
The Quilt 2014 Fall Member Meeting
Location:  The Monona Terrace
Meeting Rooms KLMOPQ

Time Topic Location Presenter(s)

Note:  First time at a Quilt Member Meeting? Please join us for a newcomers breakfast at 7:00 am.  Look for signs on the Community Terrace directing where to meet Quilt staff and members to learn more about The Quilt and the meeting program. 

Community Terrace

8:30-8:45am Meeting Welcome and Introductions Meeting Rooms KLMOPQ Jen Leasure, The Quilt
8:45-9:15am The Quilt in Action  – Strategic Directions for 2015
The work of The Quilt is a reflection of our members’ priorities, opportunities, challenges and successes. Through our collaborations, we are continually reminded of the critical roles we play in the success of one another’s organizations and in building the national fabric of regional networks into a Quilt community.  In this session, we’ll discuss The Quilt’s recent projects that have strengthened the fabric of the Quilt community and provide an overview of the strategic direction for the organization in 2015.
Jen Leasure, The Quilt
9:15-10:00 am Invited Address:  Meeting the Infrastructure Challenges of Supporting Large-Scale Medical Research and Education – Experiences from the largest research institution in eastern Wisconsin. David Hotchkiss, CIO at Medical College of Wisconsin and member of WiscNet Board of Directors
10:00-10:30 am Break

Community Terrace

10:30-11:30am Invited Address:  NITRD – Building the Foundations for our Nation’s Continued Leadership in Advanced Networking, Computing Systems, Software, and Associated Information Technologies Mark Luker,
Associate Director, Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) Program
11:30-12:15pm Update from National Science Foundation Division of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure  Kevin Thompson,
Program Director,
National Science Foundation



Community Terrace

 1:30-2:15pm Panel Discussion:  Regional Networks and Grants Opportunities
Grant funding provides key opportunities for regional networks to advance infrastructure capabilities, create new partnerships and support the advancement of research and education for member institutions.  A panel of regional network leaders will share their organization’s experiences tracking and pursuing grant opportunities sharing their lessons learned, techniques and resources each employ to pursue grant opportunities.
Wendy Huntoon,
and Claude Garelik,
Great Plains NetworkPanelists:
Marla Meehl,
Front Range GigaPoP
James Deaton, 
Jeff Letourneau, Networkmaine
2:15-3:00pm Invited Address: Research and Education Networking Information Sharing and Analysis Center (REN-ISAC)
The REN-ISAC mission is to aid and promote cybersecurity operational protection and response within the research and higher education (R&E) communities.  Learn from its executive leadership how REN-ISAC is shaping its programs to meet the security needs and interests of our R&E networking community.
Kim Milford,
Executive Director,


Community Terrace

3:30-5:00pm Smaller Group Meetings and Discussions 
Meeting participants will have the opportunity to participate in one of three break-out sessions planned for this time.  Each break-out group will report back to the larger group the next day during the main program.
  Breakout 1 – Advanced Networking

  • Overview of SDN exchanges (SDXs)
  • Science DMZ, SDN, 100G capabilities for campuses – how can regional networks help to provide and integrate these capabilities end to end?
  • Quilt perfsonar mesh
Meeting RoomsKLOP Ron Hutchins,
Southern Crossroads,
  Breakout 2 – Network Security and Regional Networks

  • Share insights into what is driving an increasing number of regional networks to grow their role in network security for member institutions
  • Learn about resources utilized by regional networks to support member security initiatives

Explore together potential future directions for R&E network security collaborations

Meeting Rooms MQ John Moore MCNC,
  Breakout #3 – Serving Niche Communities This session will focus on outreach, engagement and support strategies for specific member communities such as K-12 schools, public libraries, healthcare and others.  Topics to include; opportunities, barriers, communication tools, R&E messaging, achieving sustained engagement, and unique requirements in connecting and serving these different communities.
Meeting Rooms NR Carol Farnham,
MIDnet, Facilitator

Smaller Group Meetings Conclude


Quilt Member Meeting Reception –Sponsored by Authorized Quilt Commodity Internet Service Providers – CenturyLink, Cogent, Level3, TeliaSonera, tw telecom and Zayo

The Coopers Tavern

Thursday, September 11
The Quilt Winter Meeting
Location:  The Monona Terrace
Meeting Rooms KLMOPQ


Time Topic Location Presenter(s)
7:00-8:15am Breakfast

Community Terrace

8:30 Morning Welcome  Meeting Rooms KLMOPQ
8:30-9:30am Quilt Peer Review Service
  • Showcase themes and best practices from Past Peer Reviews
Jen Leasure, The Quilt
  • Overview of Quilt Self-Assessment Tool
Jen Leasure, The Quilt
  • Peer Review:  Impact for UEN
Jim Stewart, UEN
9:30-10:00am Briefing:  New UEN Operations and Security Review Service – a new service from a trusted partner helping member institutions take a fresh look at network security
Jim Stewart, UEN
10:00-10:15am Break
(Boxed Lunches Available served at Break)

Community Terrace

10:15-11:00 Panel Discussion:  Quilt Members and Strategic PlanningMichael Porter, the famous Harvard Business School professor, said “The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do.” Seems like it should be easy but, as leaders of networking organizations with many stakeholders, setting a direction for the future can mean making difficult choices. Having a well thought out planning process resulting in a solid plan is critical for success. This panel features fellow leaders talking about their experiences and perspectives in strategic planning efforts for their organizations with an invitation for all to join the discussion.
John Grosen,
Northern Lights GigaPoP
Wendy Huntoon,
Joe Lazor, FLR
John Pederson, WiscNet
Pankaj Shah, OARnet
11:00-11:15 Briefing:  Quilt-InCommon Pilots and Regional Network-InCommon Business Model Mark Johnson, MCNC
11:15-11:30 Briefing:  Net+ Regional Partner Program Don Welch, Merit
11:30-12:00pm Wrap-Up
Meeting Adjourns
(Boxed Lunches Available served at Break)
 Jen Leasure, The Quilt

Boxed Lunches

Community Terrace

Thursday, September 11
Quilt Member Leadership Workshop
Location: The Monona Terrace
Meeting Rooms NR

Time Topic Location Presenter(s)


Community Terrace

1:00-5:00pm Quilt Leadership Workshop Meeting Rooms NR  Facilitator:
Don Welch, Merit

Friday, September 12
Quilt Member Leadership Workshop
Location:  The Monona Terrace

Time Topic Location Presenter(s)


At Meeting Room
8:30-12:00am Leadership Workshop Meeting Rooms NR  Facilitator:
Don Welch, Merit

Workshop Adjourns
(Boxed Lunches Available)


Meeting Registration
Meeting Location and Hotel
Registered Attendees
DRAFT Meeting Agenda
Quilt Leadership Workshop