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Upcoming Events

September 17-19, 2024
The Quilt Member Meeting (TBD)
February 4-6, 2025
The Quilt Winter Member Meeting (Tempe, AZ)

2014 Winter Member Meeting – Presentations

The Quilt 2014 Winter Member Meeting
February 4th – 7th, 2014
La Jolla Shores Hotel, La Jolla, CA


Kevin Thompson, NSF – Campus Cyberinfrastructure Innovation and Engineering (CC*IIE) Program
Dave Jent, Indiana University – Funding Innovation – Advancing Technology and Strategic Priority
Glenn Ricart, U.S. Ignite – Software-Defined Networking, and Applications for Big Data
Don Welch, Merit Network – Leveraging Merit’s Cyber Range Capabilities for Your Membership
George Loftus, Internet2 – Regionals and Above-the-Net Services

Meeting Registration
Meeting Location and Hotel
Registered Attendees
Travel Grant Application Instructions