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September 15-18, 2025
Quilt Fall Member Meeting
(Dearborn, MI)

2015 Winter Member Meeting – Agenda


The Quilt 2015 Winter Member Meeting
La Jolla, California
February 10 – 12, 2015

Tuesday, February 10th
Location: La Jolla Shores Hotel

Time Topic Location Presenter(s)
8:00am -5:00pm Individual Working Group Meetings La Jolla Shores Hotel
8:30am – 11:30am Regional Research Engagement  Meeting  Acapulco Room (2nd Floor) Chairs:
Wendy Huntoon,
Claude Garelik,
9:00-5:00pm Financial Focus Group  Aztec Room (2nd Floor)  Chair:
Kerry Mobley,
1:30-3:00pm Quilt Board Meeting
Quarterly Board Meeting of The Quilt Board of Directors
La Jolla Room, (1st Floor) Chair:
Mike Phillips,
3:00-3:30pm Break La Jolla Shores Patio – 1st Floor 
3:30-5:00pm CEO Roundtable Discussion
Continuing the semiannual tradition that leader-peers in R&E networks meet for a roundtable exchange of views, concerns and opportunities. This session is open to all with primary participation by CEOs of R&E networking organizations.
The Walnut Room (La Jolla Beach and Tennis Club) Chair:
Don Welch,
6:00-8:00pm Social Hour – Opportunity to gather, network and make plans for dinner La Jolla Shores Patio – 1st Floor

Wednesday, February 11th
The Quilt Winter Meeting
Location: La Sala Room at La Jolla Shores Beach and Tennis Club

Time Topic Location Presenter(s)
7:00-8:15am General Breakfast Club Dining Patio – La Jolla Beach
and Tennis Club

Newcomers Breakfast

First time at a Quilt Member Meeting? Please join us for a newcomers breakfast at 7:00 am. Look for Newcomers Breakfast signs on tables in The Walnut Room.

Walnut Room – Beach and
Tennis Club
8:30-8:45am Meeting Welcome and Introductions La Sala Jennifer Griffin,
The Quilt
8:45-9:15am The Quilt in Action – Strategic Directions for 2015 La Sala Jen Leasure,
The Quilt
9:15-10:00am Briefing: Overview of CC*IIE Regional Collaboration Awards – Through its CC*IIE Program (CC*IIE), the National Science Foundation funded 5 proposals from regional networking organizations which will leverage their leadership and technical expertise to disseminate information to their member communities regarding advanced networking techniques; build bridges to distributed science communities; and share insights into technology options that can be tailored to solve advanced networking challenges faced by science collaborators and projects. This panel will share an overview of their projects and experiences thus far.  La Sala Moderator:
Claude Garelik,
Marla Meehl, FRGP
Greg Monaco, GPN
Paul Schopis, OARNet
Wendy Huntoon,
10:00-10:30 am Break Club Dining Patio – Beach and
Tennis Club 
10:30-11:15am Invited Address: Update from National Science Foundation Division of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Kevin Thompson,
Program Director, NSF
11:15-12:00pm Invited Address: ESnet – Understanding Big Data Trends and the Key Role of the Regionals in Bridging Needs and Solutions Jason Zurawski, ESnet
12:00-1:30pm Lunch Club Dining Patio – Beach and
Tennis Club

Quilt Member Panel Discussion: Network Security

As security threats are rising, this panel of regional network security specialists will share insights into how their organizations are preparing for and responding to direct network attacks as well as attacks on member institutions.

 La Sala Moderator:
Jim Stewart,
Claude Garelik, GPN
John Moore, MCNC
Dave Reese, CENIC
Don Welch, Merit
2:15-3:15pm Invited Address: Overview of FCC Broadband Programs and Opportunities for R&E Networks La Sala Jonathan Chambers, FCC
Dana Shaffer, FCC
Jon Wilkins, FCC
3:15-3:45pm Break Club Dining Patio – Beach and Tennis Club 

Smaller Group Meetings and Discussions

Meeting participants will have the opportunity to participate in one of three break-out sessions planned for this time. Each break-out group will report back to the larger group the next day during the main program.

Breakout #1 – Advanced Networking

  • RPKI – Eager Grants and experiments
  • Update on SoX SDX
  • “Internet of things” and impact on design of future networks
  • Network security and potential for “clean pipe” service
La Jolla Room – La Jolla Shores Facilitator:
Ron Hutchins, SoX
Breakout #2 – Network Security Tools, Applications and Services for Members of Regional Networks

  • Follow-up discussion from panel session
  • Tools and best practices discussion
  • Ideas for Regional Network Security Workshop
Acapulco Room – La Jolla Shores Hotel (2nd floor) Facilitator:
John Moore, MCNC
Breakout #3 – R&E Role in Facilitating Community for Both Human and Physical Networks

  • NTIA’s BroadbandUSA Initiative
  • Overview of 3 regional networks’ strategies, successes and lessons learned for engaging in community area network efforts in their states
  • Group discussion
La Sala – Beach and Tennis Club Facilitator:
Carol Farnham
 5:00pm  Smaller Group Meetings Conclude
5:30pm-7:30pm Quilt Member Reception –
Heavy hors-d’oeuvres will be served
La Jolla Shores Hotel
Bar and Patio

Thursday, February 12th
The Quilt Winter Meeting
Location: La Sala Room at La Jolla Shores Beach and Tennis Club (Morning)

Time Topic Location Presenter(s)
7:00-8:15am Breakfast Club Dining Patio – Beach and
Tennis Club
8:30 Morning Welcome La Sala
8:30-9:30am Panel Discussion: Expressing the Value of R&E Networks for Distinct User Communities
This panel of regional network leaders will address a key topic for our community which is organizational strategies for the development and distribution of messages and materials highlighting the value of connecting to and being a member of a regional networking community for unique member communities segments.
Jeff Custard, FRGPPanelists:
Elwood Downing, Merit
Louis Fox, CENIC
George Laskaris, NJEDge
Ann Zimmerman, OARnet
9:30-10:00am National Broadband Policy Update John Windhausen,
Telepoly Consulting

(Boxed Lunches Available served at Break)

Club Dining Patio – Beach and
Tennis Club 
10:15-11:00 Briefing: VERNet – R&E Networking Down Under
An update from Quilt Affiliate VERNet – the Victoria Research and Education Network in Australia
Roger Tanton, VERNet
11:00-11:15 Briefing: Quilt-InCommon Pilots and Regional Network-InCommon Business Model Mark Johnson, MCNC
11:15-11:30 Briefing: Net+ Regional Partner Program Don Welch, Merit
11:30-12:00pm Wrap-UpMeeting Adjourns
(Boxed Lunches Available served at Break)
La Sala Jen Leasure, The Quilt
12:00-1:00pm Lunch Club Dining Patio – Beach and
Tennis Club 

Thursday, February 12
Quilt Member Leadership Workshop 
Location: La Jolla Shores Hotel – Acapulco Room, 2nd Floor

Time Topic Location Presenter(s)


Acapulco Corridor and Deck

1:00-5:00pm Quilt Leadership Workshop La Jolla Room  Facilitator:
Don Welch, Merit

Friday, September 13
Quilt Member Leadership Workshop
Location: La Jolla Shores Hotel – Acapulco Room, 2nd Floor

Time Topic Location Presenter(s)


Acapulco Corridor and Deck
8:30-12:00am Leadership Workshop La Jolla Room  Facilitator:
Don Welch, Merit

Workshop Adjourns
(Boxed Lunches Available)

Meeting Registration
Meeting Location and Hotel
Registered Attendees
DRAFT Meeting Agenda
Quilt Leadership Workshop