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Fall Member Meeting Recap: Collocation, Collaboration, Higher Ed Video Highlights and Happy 35th OARnet!

Another Quilt Fall Member Meeting is in the books, and we had a great time in Ohio!

Building on the success of several years of collocating events, this year’s Fall Member Meeting also coincided with the NSF Campus Cyberinfrastructure PI Workshop and KNIT 7, the third in-person FABRIC Community Workshop. It also was timed to celebrate the Ohio Academic Resources Network’s (OARnet) 35th Anniversary.

“Our research and education networking community is comprised of extremely talented and dedicated individuals working collaboratively toward a common mission. It’s a special time when our Quilt community is able to get together in person,” said Jen Leasure, president and CEO of The Quilt. “We appreciate the opportunity to once again collocate our fall meeting with other important community events. We are especially grateful for the opportunity to help OARnet, one of our founding Quilt members, celebrate their 35th anniversary.”

“It was an amazing week for OARnet,” added Pankaj Shah, executive director OARnet and past chair of The Quilt Board of Directors. “You left us local attendees with a joyous memory of a wonderful anniversary celebration.”

Ohio has 14 public universities, 24 regional branch campuses, 23 community colleges, and a statewide workforce education and training network. Ohio Higher Education provided a video highlight of some of the discussions from the Fall Member Meeting.

Happy anniversary once again, OARnet!

We look forward to seeing you again soon. Be on the lookout for our 2024 meeting schedule.