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KINBER Joins Quilt as Associate Member

KINBER Joins Quilt as Associate Member

The Quilt is pleased to welcome KINBER (the Keystone Initiative for Network Based Education and Research) as its newest Associate Member.  Member based organization comprised of major institutions in the Commonwealth. KINBER will serve as the coordinator for the construction and management of a state-wide fiber optic network accessible to a host of educational, research, health care and economic development partners. KINBER’s mission is to serve Pennsylvania through the establishment and sustainment of a high-speed research and education network, PennREN, which will connect Pennsylvania institutions of higher learning with K-12 programs to advance the education, health care, work force development and training programs across the Commonwealth.  KINBER is a member based organization comprised of major institutions in the Commonwealth. KINBER is overseen by a member-based Board of Directors. KINBER is the recipient of a Federal NTIA BTOP grant of $99.7 million to implement PennREN, the first major initiative launched by KINBER. KINBER is a 501(c)3 non-profit Pennsylvania corporation.

The Quilt looks forward to supporting Jeff Reel and the KINBER team in these initial stages of building the PennREN network.