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Video Library

We know you like to learn and discover new things. We have decided to curate and host a video library page on our site, so you can follow up on new videos from us and our Quilt members without having to switch to various social media channels. We would like to keep populating this area on a regular basis with new content, so please email us or tweet us your best video links and we’ll be sure to add them here. Please enjoy and we continue to build this area of our site to best suit you. Many thanks!

The Quilt Value of a Research and Education Network in the United States

12 Days of Broadband | MCNC’s Tracy Doaks gets us ready for 2021

screenshot of interview with learn president and ceo akbar kara video

Interview with LEARN President and CEO, Akbar Kara

windmill on a farm at dusk

Network Moments

Kaltura screenshot

Exploring The Potential of PLTEs

The Quilt Circle 2021 edition promo

Download The Current Quilt Circle