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ESnet Celebrates 25th Anniversary at SC11

Congratulations to our colleagues at ESnet on 25 successful years of advanced networking leadership.  Beginning in 1986, ESnet was created to provide high performance networking computing for DOE science researchers.  ESnet enables scientists from 40 DOE sites around...

Quilt Members at SC11

Our sights are set on SC11 happening in Seattle November 12-18, 2011.  For this year’s event, SCinet will boast capacity reaching more than 450 gigabits per second using multiple brand new 100G connections to the major national research networks. This bandwidth...

The new face of The Quilt

For those of you who are familiar with The Quilt website, you’ve likely already noticed the new improvements to the format and content of our site. Our goal with these improvements is to use the website as a vehicle to more prominently highlight Quilt members and...