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Upcoming Events

September 15-18, 2025
Quilt Fall Member Meeting
(Dearborn, MI)

ESnet Science Engagement Workshop for Regional Networks

The Energy Sciences Network (ESnet) provides network connectivity and services for DoE/SC Labs to communicate with science collaborators around the world. To support this mission, ESnet conducts regular reviews of network requirements (http://www.es.net/science-engagement/science-requirements-reviews/) to determine the current and future science communication and collaboration needs for numerous communities. The purpose of these reviews is to accurately characterize the near-term, medium-term and long-term network requirements of the science being performed.  This approach brings about a network-centric understanding of the science process used by the researchers and scientists, without asking technical questions directly, and derives network requirements from that understanding.

Workshop Goal:
This highly interactive workshop outlines a process that can be adopted by members of the R&E networking community (regional and state networks, campuses) to advance the mission of science engagement and fully realize the investments made in networking and personnel by agencies such as the Department of Energy Office of Science and the National Science Foundation.

Workshop Team:
Jason Zurawski, Science Engagement Engineer, ESnet (lead)
Kevin Thompson, Program Director, National Science Foundation
Steve Diggs, Data Curation/Cyberinfrastructure, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Jennifer Schopf, Director of International Networking, Indiana University

Workshop Topics:
The topics of this event focus on the intersection of research and technology, specifically use of high speed networks.  Specifically:

  • The purpose of science engagement
  • Overview of an outline for a case study approach to gather scientific requirements (documentation, meeting preparation)
  • A live example of how to conduct an in-person review to characterize needs with a visiting scientific group

Who Should Attend:

Regular participants in The Quilt and the cyberinfrastructure engineering community are encouraged to attend, participate, and help define a strategy that can be used to encourage growth of scientific understanding and support.

Draft Agenda:


Roster as of 2/2/17

Kate Adams Great Plains Network
Chip Byers MOREnet
Michael Carey KINBER
Edward Chapel NJEDge.net
Marianne Chitwood I-Light / Indiana University
James Deaton OneNet
Dave Diller Mid Atlantic Crossroads
Don DuRousseau CAAREN / George Washington University
Fabian Guerrero FRGP / UCAR
John Hess CENIC
Julio Ibarra FLR / Florida International University
Akbar Kara LEARN
Jen Leasure The Quilt
Lonnie Leger LONI
Marla Meehl FRGP / UCAR
Jennifer Oxenford KINBER
Amy Philipson PNWGP
Predrag Radulovic Indiana University
David Reese CENIC
Karl Reuss Mid Atlantic Crossroads
Jessica Shaffer Georgia Inst of Technology
Caroline Weilhamer I-Light / Indiana University