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EdgeDiscovery: Bridging the Gap Between Researches and Resources

Joining Forces to Advance Institutional Research
Computing is an essential component of research and education across a variety of fields, especially those involving data-intensive science. Many small, mid-sized, and under-resourced campuses have compelling science research and education activities that would benefit from better access to advanced cyberinfrastructure (the combination of advanced computing and data storage systems with knowledgeable people, all connected by fast networks). However, they lack the necessary in-house expertise to make use of it. Without this expertise, researchers at these institutions must navigate a complex and daunting set of choices and decisions without guidance, particularly when the required resources are outside of their campus environments.

Networks and regional collaborations, such as the Eastern Regional Network (ERN), aim to simplify multi-campus collaborations and partnerships that help advance the frontiers of research and innovation. Through a partnership of educational institutions, research facilities, regional network providers, and Internet2, the ERN is committed to providing layered and transparent access to shared data and computing facilities. “Regional network providers play a significant role as facilitators and user support for the smaller institutions,” says Dr. Forough Ghahramani, Associate Vice President for Research, Innovation, and Sponsored Programs, Edge. “For example, Edge uses a collaborative network to enable conversations across member institutions to leverage existing relevant shared resources to support researchers and help identify joint funding opportunities.” [Read the full article at Edge |News]