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The Quilt releases RFP details for 2018 Commodity Internet Services

The Quilt, a national coalition of advanced regional networks for research and education across the country, today announced that a request for proposals (RFP) for the 2018 Commodity Internet Services (CIS) program will open on Jan. 8, 2018. This will mark The Quilt’s 10th RFP effort for the CIS.

One of the goals of The Quilt is to provide cost-effective advanced network services by organizing and leveraging our community demand for services. Toward this goal, the coalition of Quilt members and Authorized Quilt Buyers purchase Commodity Internet Services through several approved CIS providers who are selected through a public RFP process to participate in the program.

The Quilt Community collectively purchases more than 750 Gbps of committed bandwidth from Authorized Quilt Providers established through the CIS program. This is about 200 Gbps more than allocated just two years ago.

Through the RFP process, according to Quilt President and CEO Jen Leasure, the goal is to identify those providers who (through their IP transit Internet service offerings) are willing and able to be partners in the delivery and development of our research and education networks through the United States.

“We will look to our approved CIS providers for pricing discounts appropriate to our levels of bandwidth consumption,” Leasure added. “We seek provider partners who are not only able to provide the best value, but are also at the forefront of technology and are willing to work closely with Quilt members to develop and expand technology beyond that of a standard provider-customer relationship.”

The Quilt’s 2018 Commodity RFP Schedule and key milestones can be found here.

The components of the 2018 RFP will be available soon, which will include a Letter from the President and CEO along with the CIS RFP Overview Document, and CIS RFP Essay. If you have any questions regarding the documents or RFP process, please contact Sharon Akkoul at sakkoul@nysernet.org.

For any additional questions, please contact Jen Leasure at jen@thequilt.net.